ArtPrize 2010 – participants, patrons and passersby. FaceInTime was an official ArtPrize entry, but also a unique way to honor the tens of thousands who attend this annual event, one mugshot at a time.
The genesis of the project was borne of a collaboration between longtime area designer Gregg Palazzolo (PalazzoloDesign.com) and sharpshooter Robert Neumann (BigEventStudios.com). Together, they'll stretch a canvas wide enough to embrace everyone who happens by to have their photo snapped. As the duo's dream unfolded, they realized that what they'd hatched was not only a series of indelible portraits, but a social experiment that allows each individual to document themselves for a unique moment in time. No questions asked.
For 18 consecutive days, Palazzolo and Neumann invite the public to stream through their three photo silos, situated adjacent to the Grand Rapids Art Museum, and say "cheese." Their work station is a vintage Airstream trailer buzzing with makeshift offices and accommodations for dozens of volunteers who sign on for the sake of chronicling faces as art.